Showing at the de Young Museum


I hope you are all remaining safe and well, and have found creative and satisfying ways to cope with our increasingly strange circumstances.

Among the few arts venues that are finally re-opening in San Francisco is the de Young Museum, one of the city's premiere fine arts exhibitors. I am beyond thrilled that my photo, Early Morning, Market, taken last fall in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, will be on display at the museum from October 10, 2020, to January 3, 2021. "The de Young Open" draws from artists in all nine counties that make up the Bay Area. The jurors--four curators from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and three well-known Bay Area artists, Mildred Howard, Hung Liu, and Enrique Chagoya--sifted through more than 11,500 works from 6,100 artists. More than 870 pieces by 762 artists will be hung "salon-style," meaning wall to wall and floor to ceiling.

Let me know if you'd like to meet up at the museum--appropriately masked and distanced, of course. The exhibit will also be available online.

In other news, one of my images from a trip to Iceland's West Fjords in 2018 is part of an online exhibit at Oakland's ever-delightful Gray Loft Gallery. Called "The Meaning of Green," the show also includes stunning work by photo pals Candice Jacobus, Eben Ostby, and Beverly Tharp. Peruse at your pleasure until November 15.